By Kaki Bedal
2021 will be remembered for the Covid-19 pandemic and floods near the end but the highlight is definitely when the public decides to criticise, condemn and vilify the non performing politicians.
Just how the politicians can think of taking a vacation during a crisis is anyone’s guess.
That forced the Prime Minister to issue a directive for all ministers to come back from overseas and attend to flood victims needs.
Another highlight must be when a minister became the butt of jokes for trying to clean outside a victim’s house using a waterjet when it’s obvious the place looks clean enough.
An extra beef was when the session was photographed and videoed by quite a few photographers and cameramen.
The day for such ‘drama’ is surely long gone. The present generation of people is not impressed with many making cruel comments against the minister.
That goes too to another politicians going in a vehicle full of cameramen to check out the floods situation.
Already words like clowns, stupid,, missing in action can be seen in all social media platforms.
It is disheartening for neutrals like me to see our politicians treated in such a fashion but then they deserve what came their way.
It all stem from a slow assistance effort when some victims were reportedly in need of supplies, had to wait three or four days before help came.
The question for the politicians is this – are they really qualified to serve the people?
Because of complaints and grouses in the recent floods crisis, it means that the public is actually already judging the politicians since the pandemic started up until now onwards.
Even before the 15th general elections (GE15) is held, politicians be warned, your deeds are being assessed and not even the Prime Minister can help.
- The writer is an experienced analyst and media practitioner of nearly 30 years in the industry.